Wednesday, August 17, 2016

EpiPen & Mytlan Labs Gouge Consumers

This is the kind of crap government needs to stop. The EpiPen has been a life saving device for people with allergies for decades. Adults and children carry them in case of an allergic reaction to bees, peanuts, shellfish and many other products in our environment. Over the past 6 years the price has gone up 500 percent for no other reason than greed. Mylan Labs bought the product in 2007 and has made no significant changes other than pricing and launching an expensive ad campaign.
Congress needs to haul the CEO in and ask him to justify his actions. Families are now making possibly life threatening choices to find alternatives or to keep expired product around because they can't afford to replace their devices.

EpiPen Price Surge Causing Families To Risk Severe Allergic Reactions


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