Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hillary or Huma: Who will take the fall?

Hillary Clinton is a FatCat. She's the same pay to play type of politician we should despise and excise from our government. She gives favors to the power brokers who donate to her husband's foundation, The Clinton Foundation and Hillary's trusted aide, Huma Abedin, were in constant contact while Hillary was Secretary of State. Huma facilitated many meetings between high $$$$ donors the Secretary and took care of Bill at the same time. The Clinton Foundation is akin to many Saudi Arabian charities, in that it uses a legitimate cover of working to better the human condition while supporting another nefarious agenda entirely.
The next 15,000 emails should give us a better idea of the real story.
Hillary Clinton is the type of woman that could easily sacrifice Huma when the chips fall.  She will deny all knowledge of the connection between The Clinton Foundation, top level meetings with donors and her husband.  She'll blame Huma for overstepping her role.

Huma Abedin could easily end up falling a a sword for Hillary when all is said and done. 

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

EpiPen & Mytlan Labs Gouge Consumers

This is the kind of crap government needs to stop. The EpiPen has been a life saving device for people with allergies for decades. Adults and children carry them in case of an allergic reaction to bees, peanuts, shellfish and many other products in our environment. Over the past 6 years the price has gone up 500 percent for no other reason than greed. Mylan Labs bought the product in 2007 and has made no significant changes other than pricing and launching an expensive ad campaign.
Congress needs to haul the CEO in and ask him to justify his actions. Families are now making possibly life threatening choices to find alternatives or to keep expired product around because they can't afford to replace their devices.

EpiPen Price Surge Causing Families To Risk Severe Allergic Reactions


Hillary's Health

Evidence is mounting that Hillary Clinton has, at the very least, some sort of chronic condition that gives her pain.  More reports, from demands for pillows to seeing aides help her walk and get up from chairs suggest there is something wrong with her.

It wasn't that long ago that John F. Kennedy's staff hid his bad back.  While this condition, may or may not affect her campaign or her ability to govern, it does suggest that we are not receiving a complete picture of her health.

Everywhere she goes, pillows can be seen in the chair she'll sit.  She rests on the weekends and has had a persistent and troubling cough.  All of it may be nothing as she is getting up in age, but then again, there may be something seriously wrong with her.

Knowing the stealth and secrecy of the Clintons, her condition may be far worse that we know.  If it were anyone else, there might not be much to worry about, but with the Clintons, something shady is suspected.

The purpose of this blog is to look at corruption in government, praise those brave souls who challenge the status quo and expose misdeeds by the very officials in which we place our trust.  I hope we can trust Hillary, but time and time again she's weaseled her way out of problems. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Kathryn Bolkovac's Battle Against Corruption


Sex Trafficking, Military Contractors, and One Woman's Fight for Justice

Kathryn Bolkovac with Cari Lynn
St. Martin's Griffin

When Nebraska police officer and divorced mother of three Kathryn Bolkovac saw a recruiting announcement for private military contractor DynCorp International, she applied and was hired. Good money, world travel, and the chance to help rebuild a war-torn country sounded like the perfect job. Bolkovac was shipped out to Bosnia, where DynCorp had been contracted to support the UN peacekeeping mission. She was assigned as a human rights investigator, heading the gender affairs unit. The lack of proper training provided sounded the first alarm bell, but once she arrived in Sarajevo, she found out that things were a lot worse. At great risk to her personal safety, she began to unravel the ugly truth about officers involved in human trafficking and forced prostitution and their connections to private mercenary contractors, the UN, and the U.S. State Department. After bringing this evidence to light, Bolkovac was demoted, felt threatened with bodily harm, was fired, and ultimately forced to flee the country under cover of darkness—bringing the incriminating documents with her. Thanks to the evidence she collected, she won a lawsuit against DynCorp, finally exposing them for what they had done. This is her story and the story of the women she helped achieve justice for.

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Obama's Shame and Legacy: The GMO Sham and How Monsanto is Destroying Our Food Supply

Obama’s GMO embarrassment: Why the new labeling bill just signed into law is a sham

The DARK Act, which Obama just passed last week, is another way to masquerade non-labeling

Obama's GMO embarrassment: Why the new labeling bill just signed into law is a sham(Credit: Shutterstock)
This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
It is known as the DARK Act — Denying Americans the Right to Know. It was signed by President Obama last week in the afterglow of the Democratic National Convention, without fanfare or major media coverage. The bill’s moniker is apt. With a few strokes of his pen Obama scratched out the laws of Vermont, Connecticut and Maine that required the labeling of genetically engineered foods.
He also nullified the GE seed labeling laws in Vermont and Virginia that allowed farmers to choose what seeds they wanted to buy and plant. And for good measure he preempted Alaska’s law requiring the labeling of any GE fish or fish product, passed to protect the state’s vital fisheries from contamination by recently approved genetically engineered salmon.
The White House justified the DARK Act’s massive onslaught on local democracy on the grounds that the bill would create national standards for labeling of GE foods. It does nothing of the sort. According to Obama’s own Food and Drug Administration, if enacted, the bill would exempt most current GMO foods from being labeled at all. The FDA further commented that it “may be difficult” for any GMO food to qualify for labeling under the bill. And for any GE foods that might be covered, the bill allows for food to be “labeled” through a digital system of QR codes that can only be accessed if the consumer has a smartphone and reliable internet connectivity.
Unfortunately for one-third of Americans, it seems President Obama does not know the digital divide is real. More than 50 percent of America’s poor and rural populations — a disproportionate number of which are minority communities — and more than 65 percent of the elderly don’t even own smartphones, and for those that do, many cannot afford monthly payments or live in areas lacking internet access. A minimum of 100 million Americans will not have access to food information because of this labeling system.
Reverend Jesse Jackson understood this. He wrote a letter to the president urging a veto and saying that the bill raised “serious questions of discrimination” and left “unresolved matters of equal protection of the law.” Do all Americans have rights in an increasingly digital society? Or will they be discriminated against because they have limited means?
Adding insult to discriminatory injury, the bill also allows for labeling through 800 numbers and websites. The idea that Americans can spend hours in the supermarket calling or searching websites to find out if each and every product they buy is genetically engineered is absurd. It’s just another way to masquerade non-labeling.
The president refused to listen to his own FDA, a majority of the Democratic members of the Senate, hundreds of thousands of comments from the public and the pleas of civil rights leaders, and signed a discriminatory phony labeling bill aptly dubbed by Senator Barbara Boxer “a sham and an embarrassment.”
How did this train wreck of a bill even reach the president’s desk in the first place? The answer is a sad commentary on the corruption seen far too often in our federal legislature. The DARK Act was not subject to any hearings. No expert testimony was taken. Rather, it was the result of backroom dealing between a few senators and industrial food and biotech companies. The DARK Act was actually defeated in March in the Senate as Americans involved in the food movement delivered millions of outraged comments to their senators.
But Monsanto and the company’s friends in the Grocery Manufacturers Association were not going to take this loss easily. Republicans in the pocketbook of Big Ag were easy to sway — they actively pushed for the bill they knew would be the next best thing to no GMO labeling. A handful of Democrats, up for election again in 2018, were able to be bought by Monsanto and the other corporations pushing the DARK Act. Senators Stabenow (D-MI), Klobuchar (D-MN), Heitkamp (D-ND) and Donnelly (D-IN) began private negotiations with the GMA and Senator Roberts (R-KS) to see if they could find a way to get the DARK Act across the finish line.
But would bringing in those senators looking for campaign dollars be enough to get the 60 votes needed to bring the bill to a final vote? Probably not. So the bill’s proponents made a deal with the Organic Trade Association, which represents organic food companies but is increasingly influenced by big food companies like Smuckers, General Mills and Kraft — food giants that have only a small percentage of their business in organic brands. While virtually all of the legitimate organic farmer organizations were opposed to the DARK Act, the OTA had “big organic” industry interests in mind and simply sold out for some organic “pork.”
The last provision in the bill, added at the 11th hour, allows all organic foods to be labeled “non-GMO” without any testing to see whether they contain any GMO contamination, as can happen with some organic products. So while non-organic companies that want to label non-GMO will have to undergo testing and verification by third-party verifiers like the Non-GMO Project to ensure that they do not have any significant GMO content, that is not so for organic — they will have a “get out of jail free card.” The OTA endorsement did the trick and the bill was rushed through the Senate, then the House.
So through campaign corruption and an organic industry sellout, the DARK Act wins? Not so fast. Numerous groups (including the author’s) have committed to fighting this bill in federal court. No bill this blatantly discriminatory and unconstitutional should be allowed to stand. So the fight against the DARK Act, and for local democracy and the right to know for all Americans, continues.

Thursday, August 04, 2016

A Most Horrible Decision: Trump vs. Hillary

A Most Horrible Decision

A picture showing Trump, Hillary and Bill because we know if Hillary wins it will be as if we have a continuation of or a 3rd term of Bill's presidency.

We are faced with one of the worst possible outcomes in the upcoming presidential election.  Never before has there been a choice where neither candidate inspires devotion, confidence or even a strong, "I really like this guy or girl." 

As seen in the picture above, Donald Trump has been hobnobbing with the political power brokers his entire career.  He knows how to schmooze people, make enemies and blow his own horn. If he is successful, he will be the first reality star president. 

Trump has been a public figure in the US his entire life, mostly by his own powers of self promotion. He has been moderately successful in real estate, but more successful as a reality star in the vein of Kim Kardashian. He's built a name that exudes success even though he's had many failures in his life, whether they be in business or in his marital life.  People love him or hate him.

The "Donald" is no stranger to controversy and he proves that hour by hour and minute by minute. The fact that he is now representing the Republican Party as their Presidential candidate has not stopped his mouth from spouting off one ridiculous opinion or insult after another.  He may be saying what many people are thinking, but the constant string of verbal attacks on anyone and everyone in his way will not win him the Presidency.  I said at the beginning of his run that the only one who can defeat Donald is Donald. He is living up to the wildest imaginations of how not to win a presidential race.

On the other hand, Trump could win if he decides to dial it down a notch and take on a slightly more standard campaign demeanor. We don't want to de-Donald him, but when the primaries end, candidates typically change their focus and re aim their guns.  Having a woman candidate opposite him presents a challenge in that he can't be seen as woman bashing, regardless of how bad the choice is in the opposition.  Donald has been digging a hole since the day after the convention and he needs to dig out fast.

Hillary is a force in her own mind and in her own right.  She has a diverse past equal to that of Donald's celebrity.  Yes, she did become a senator and Secretary of State, but had it not been for her husband, her success would not have been possible.  Being thrust into the limelight and taking good advantage of it is her forte.  She is an intelligent woman and a cunning politician.  She does know and have the ear of many world power brokers.  As far as qualifications go, she is head and shoulders ahead of Trump. On the international front, Donald is a school boy and Hillary is a college student.  

With Hillary, we get the status quo, cozying up to the conglomerates from all sides, compromising on all fronts without taking a real stand on anything for fear of betraying a gold level donor.  With Donald, we get a loud mouth with totally "out there" ideas on trade, foreign affairs and most other areas, but he does know how to get things done and would bring on experts from big business and tech firms to head the departments.  He is not beholden to anyone and that's a good thing.  He can't and hasn't been bought. He would most likely keep to his word and not listen to high dollar outside interests. 

Hillary was bought and paid for years ago and the Clinton Foundation is simply a front for influence. Anyone who sees it in the same vein as the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation is in a dream world. It doesn't help anyone anywhere and is a sham.  There are so many skeletons in the Clinton closet that even a warehouse would burst at the seams, but the teflon remains and nothing will stick.

Hillary won't turn over her transcripts of speeches to the big banks because she simply told them not to worry, that she won't rock the boat or enact too many checks and balances on their business. Donald wont turn over his tax returns because he will be found not to be a billionaire at all.  His net worth is in the mid $500 million range.  It would dim his star.

Donald has tried and failed to ignite a firestorm about the Clinton scandals from Bill's, under the desk of the Oval Office high jinks with Monica to the Whitewater Scandal and Vince Foster to Benghazi and the emails, but the public either doesn't know or care about anything in her past.

Hillary is just sitting back and letting Donald self-destruct, which is exactly what he is doing.  His advisers must be frantic and rank and file republicans are hiding under rocks so as not to be tied to the Trump name.  The leaders of the party have only grudgingly supported the candidate and not Donald by name.  

In four years we can look forward to a Paul Ryan run, but until then there is just not a strong republican in the wings.  Bernie Sanders was honest, not beholden to anyone and an incredibly nice man.  Some of his ideas were too progressive and costly, but he was trustworthy.

The Sanders campaign was doomed from the first as a result of the "Super Delegate" crap.  These delegate were unconstitutionally pledged to Hillary before the first vote was cast.  When the press bought into the scheme, the numbers showed Sanders way behind on day one. Many people failed to vote for him because they felt he couldn't win.  What a sham of a system, making the US look like a rigged 3rd world dictatorship.

So, we have Donald and Hillary.  Vote and hold your breath, pinch your nose and pray that the time goes by fast over the next four years and that no real damage is done to our good name or in any real substantive way.  Never has there been such a bad choice.  It's not the lesser of two evils, but rather the least painless method of death.