Friday, February 20, 2009

Pelosi's Crime

How dare Nancy Pelosi take a trip to Italy courtesy of the taxpayers immediately after telling the American people that we have to tighten our belts. When will these fatcats of Congress realize that they are not the privileged class, but are supposed to be our servants? She is the worst example of why people mistrust and despise politicians. Was she negotiating a new trade agreement? I never knew Congressmen had that job.

I'm sure all Americans are delighted that she was able to receive her grand parents birth certificate's from the Italian Prime Minister, and it was touching to see how she cried at the thought of her long lost relations, but couldn't she have simply had them FedExd to her office or home and not spent $200,000 dollars taking a dozen other fatcats on an Air Force jet?

Who do these people think they are? She and Madoff and all the others need to be perp walked down Pennsylvania Ave for all to see. She is no better than the former head of Merill Lynch. I'm surprised she didn't have caviar while jetsetting across the ocean.

We all need to stand up and scream at what these criminals are doing to this country. If I steal a TV from the Walmart I go to jail for 6 months, but If I spend $200K of taxpayers money on what is no more than a personal trip, I call it work related and go onto the next criminal act. Or, even worse, If I rob thousands of people of $50billion I get to stay in my penthouse and never spend a day in jail. When will the insanity end?

Where is the press? Where is the House Ethics Committee? Where is the outrage?

Help me out here.

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