Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Myth of Homeland Security

It was only a matter of time before the next terrorist attack in the western world. After 911 there was Madrid and now London. With all of the increased security, it is logical to ask how this could happen.

The reporters headlines were, "Could this happen here?" A really stupid question.

Of course, it could and probably will happen here and there is virtually nothing we can do about it. It doesn't matter how many more departments we dump into the already bloated Federal Government. We have the FBI, CIA, ATF, DEA, Secret Service, NSA, DIA, NRO, State, County and local police departments. Did we really need another agency?

In a free society such as most of those in the western world and Japan, anyone at anytime can, if he/she/they have the determination, plan and execute an attack on virtually any part of our society, infrastructure or leadership. It is exponentially more difficult to stop a dedicated individual or small force than a 10,000 man army. A similar situation exists in Iraq where we easily overthrew Saddam, but we cannot stop the insurgency.

What happened in London was a tragedy greater than anything since WWII, but it was a lesson for us all that, even in a city with more cameras than any on the planet, one or two or four people can wreak havoc on a city of millions. What if the bombs had been chemical, biological, or dirty nuclear in style?

The attacks were successful as a bold statement to the coalition that the terrorists are a fully mobilized, financed and lethal force that will not go away. These terrorists were home grown, but with support from deep in Pakistan.

There will always be people who hate us and they will only be stopped by random chance. I'm not saying we shouldn't try, but we should never go to bed each night and feel totally safe. There is no such thing.

Even with terrorist attacks as a certainty in the near future, it is better to simply wear your seat belt, sun screen and watch your cholesterol. You will most likely die from something as plain as the nose on your face or get struck by lightning or bitten by a poisonous snake. Terrorism is a blown out of proportion threat that we have new spent billions of $$ on in both substantive measures and pure pork.

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