Thursday, August 04, 2016

A Most Horrible Decision: Trump vs. Hillary

A Most Horrible Decision

A picture showing Trump, Hillary and Bill because we know if Hillary wins it will be as if we have a continuation of or a 3rd term of Bill's presidency.

We are faced with one of the worst possible outcomes in the upcoming presidential election.  Never before has there been a choice where neither candidate inspires devotion, confidence or even a strong, "I really like this guy or girl." 

As seen in the picture above, Donald Trump has been hobnobbing with the political power brokers his entire career.  He knows how to schmooze people, make enemies and blow his own horn. If he is successful, he will be the first reality star president. 

Trump has been a public figure in the US his entire life, mostly by his own powers of self promotion. He has been moderately successful in real estate, but more successful as a reality star in the vein of Kim Kardashian. He's built a name that exudes success even though he's had many failures in his life, whether they be in business or in his marital life.  People love him or hate him.

The "Donald" is no stranger to controversy and he proves that hour by hour and minute by minute. The fact that he is now representing the Republican Party as their Presidential candidate has not stopped his mouth from spouting off one ridiculous opinion or insult after another.  He may be saying what many people are thinking, but the constant string of verbal attacks on anyone and everyone in his way will not win him the Presidency.  I said at the beginning of his run that the only one who can defeat Donald is Donald. He is living up to the wildest imaginations of how not to win a presidential race.

On the other hand, Trump could win if he decides to dial it down a notch and take on a slightly more standard campaign demeanor. We don't want to de-Donald him, but when the primaries end, candidates typically change their focus and re aim their guns.  Having a woman candidate opposite him presents a challenge in that he can't be seen as woman bashing, regardless of how bad the choice is in the opposition.  Donald has been digging a hole since the day after the convention and he needs to dig out fast.

Hillary is a force in her own mind and in her own right.  She has a diverse past equal to that of Donald's celebrity.  Yes, she did become a senator and Secretary of State, but had it not been for her husband, her success would not have been possible.  Being thrust into the limelight and taking good advantage of it is her forte.  She is an intelligent woman and a cunning politician.  She does know and have the ear of many world power brokers.  As far as qualifications go, she is head and shoulders ahead of Trump. On the international front, Donald is a school boy and Hillary is a college student.  

With Hillary, we get the status quo, cozying up to the conglomerates from all sides, compromising on all fronts without taking a real stand on anything for fear of betraying a gold level donor.  With Donald, we get a loud mouth with totally "out there" ideas on trade, foreign affairs and most other areas, but he does know how to get things done and would bring on experts from big business and tech firms to head the departments.  He is not beholden to anyone and that's a good thing.  He can't and hasn't been bought. He would most likely keep to his word and not listen to high dollar outside interests. 

Hillary was bought and paid for years ago and the Clinton Foundation is simply a front for influence. Anyone who sees it in the same vein as the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation is in a dream world. It doesn't help anyone anywhere and is a sham.  There are so many skeletons in the Clinton closet that even a warehouse would burst at the seams, but the teflon remains and nothing will stick.

Hillary won't turn over her transcripts of speeches to the big banks because she simply told them not to worry, that she won't rock the boat or enact too many checks and balances on their business. Donald wont turn over his tax returns because he will be found not to be a billionaire at all.  His net worth is in the mid $500 million range.  It would dim his star.

Donald has tried and failed to ignite a firestorm about the Clinton scandals from Bill's, under the desk of the Oval Office high jinks with Monica to the Whitewater Scandal and Vince Foster to Benghazi and the emails, but the public either doesn't know or care about anything in her past.

Hillary is just sitting back and letting Donald self-destruct, which is exactly what he is doing.  His advisers must be frantic and rank and file republicans are hiding under rocks so as not to be tied to the Trump name.  The leaders of the party have only grudgingly supported the candidate and not Donald by name.  

In four years we can look forward to a Paul Ryan run, but until then there is just not a strong republican in the wings.  Bernie Sanders was honest, not beholden to anyone and an incredibly nice man.  Some of his ideas were too progressive and costly, but he was trustworthy.

The Sanders campaign was doomed from the first as a result of the "Super Delegate" crap.  These delegate were unconstitutionally pledged to Hillary before the first vote was cast.  When the press bought into the scheme, the numbers showed Sanders way behind on day one. Many people failed to vote for him because they felt he couldn't win.  What a sham of a system, making the US look like a rigged 3rd world dictatorship.

So, we have Donald and Hillary.  Vote and hold your breath, pinch your nose and pray that the time goes by fast over the next four years and that no real damage is done to our good name or in any real substantive way.  Never has there been such a bad choice.  It's not the lesser of two evils, but rather the least painless method of death.   

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